Welcome to pygoban’s documentation!
What is Go?
Go is an ancient Chinese board game about capturing territory by placing stones on a grid. If you are new to the game of Go you might want to learn about the basic rules first and afterward trying out to play online.
What is Pygoban?
Pygoban is a small Python library to create vector graphics of customized Go boards using Pycairo. The created svg files can be used for printing a board out on paper, or to etch it into wood using a laser cutter. This way you can very quickly create cheap Go boards to play everywhere!
Why does this library exist?
I moved Switzerland, had my Go stones with me but forgot to bring my board. So I decided to make my own board from plywood with a laser cutter. While templates for Go boards of traditional sizes exist readily available on the internet, I decided I wanted a bit more freedom and customizability. After all, the nice thing about traditions is that you can start your own at any time.
How do I use Pygoban?
If you want to use Pygoban, take a look at the pages for Installation and Quickstart. The GobanMaker class is in even more detail described on the API page. Should you still have some problems, questions, or suggestions how this could be improved, write me a mail to stefan.f.hauer@gmx.at or create an issue on my GitHub repository. Also, send me pictures of the physical boards that you create!